The Cathodi-Clamp®

Solve Corrosion Problems Using the Cathodi‐Clamp® for Water Main Breaks

Photo: Jeff Schramuk

Cathodic protection (CP) can be used to control corrosion of a metal used in water main pipelines, or other applications, by connecting the metal to be protected to a more easily corroded anode. This anode, known as a 'sacrificial metal' begins to corrode, instead of the protected metal.

Cathodic protection systems can protect in a variety of applications like water and fuel pipelines, steel storage tanks, off-shore oil well casings and metal reinforcement bars in concrete, to name a few.

There are two commonly used methods of applying cathodic protection, sacrificial anode cathodic protection and impressed current cathodic protection. Sacrificial anode cathodic uses galvanic anodes to deliver smaller amounts of DC current to the structure, while impressed current cathodic protection uses a rectifier-transformer to deliver larger amounts of DC current to the structure.

The Cathodi‐Clamp ® is a sacrificial anode cathodic protection method that can be used during water-main breaks, new construction, tapping and repairs to reduce operating costs due to corrosion failures, control product losses, and minimize downtime due to non-scheduled repairs and/or emergency structure replacements. A properly-maintained cathodic protection system will extend an infrastructure's effective service life, mitigate environmental damages, and increase the owner's operational security, saving up to $5.00 - $10.00 for every $1.00 spent on a project.

For more information contact us at 701-337-2527 or send an email to